In the BaM survey we would like to find out how people engage with each other in these neighborhoods. Where do they send their children to school? Do they experience conflicts and if so, what are they about? What do people appreciate about the neighborhoods?

The BaM Project initiates an international survey among people living in neighborhoods where everybody is a numerical minority. In the BaM survey we would like to find out how people engage with each other in these neighborhoods. Where do they send their children to school? Do they experience conflicts and if so, what are they about? What do people appreciate about the neighborhoods? With whom do they interact in the street, in the playground and who do they talk to when having a coffee in the local bars?
For the BaM survey we will approach people without a migration background in the age between 25 and 45. Our respondents are selected because they are born in one of the five countries and both their parents are also born in that country. The BaM survey can be accessed with a personal code administered to the selected respondents, who will be asked to fill in a survey of about 20 minutes, on-line on a laptop or tablet. The questions address different aspects of living in a diverse neighborhood. The survey is anonymous; hence the names and the identities of the respondents will not be shared, and we will be respecting people’s privacy and personal opinions.
Results of the survey will be published through this website and respondents who indicate they would like to receive the results will be sent the summary report of our findings.
We will discuss the outcomes of the BaM survey with policy makers at the local and city level. This is the first European survey that addresses the perspective of people without a migration background living in diverse neighborhoods. We therefor expect much interest in the results of the BaM survey by the media, policy makers and politicians.